Action: The way a horse moves.
Balk: When a horse does not move forward or respond to the rider’s aids, usually out of fear.
Canter: A three-beat gait faster than a trot, but slower than a gallop.
Cannons: A horse’s lower legs from the knee to the ankle.
Coffin Bone: The bone located inside the hoof.
Coronet: The part of a horse’s leg immediately above the hoof.
Croup: The topline of a horse’s hindquarters.
Fetlock: The joint above the pastern, functioning like an ankle.
Forefoot: A horse’s front foot
Foal: A baby horse of either gender.
Filly: A female baby horse.
Colt: A male baby horse.
Mare: An adult female horse.
Stallion: An adult male horse.
Gelding: A castrated male horse.
Action: The way a horse moves.
Balk: When a horse does not move forward or respond to the rider’s aids, usually out of fear.
Canter: A three-beat gait faster than a trot, but slower than a gallop
Yearling– A horse that is one year old. A very young horse. Weanling– A young horse that has been separated from
his mother. Weanlings are usually around 6 months old…
Adult Horses:
MARE - Adult female horse (3 years and older).
GELDING - Castrated adult male horse (3 years and older).
STALLION - Uncastrated adult male horse (3 years and older).
PONY - A full-grown small horse (14.2 hands and under).
Young Horses:
FOAL - A newborn baby horse (before weaning).
WEANLING - A colt or filly who is 6 to 12 months old.
YEARLING - A horse who is between 1 and 2 years old.
COLT - Male horse (3 years old and under).
FILLY - Female horse (3 years old and under).
The Horse's Body:
CONFORMATION - The shape of a horse's body. A horse with good conformation is stronger and more likely to stay sound
than one with weak conformation.
HAND - Measures how tall a horse is (one hand = four inches).
LAME - A "lame horse" has an injury that interferes with his performance and/or health.
SOUND - A "sound horse" does not have any injuries that interfere with his performance and/or health.
POINTS - This word is used when describing the color of a horse. The "points" of a horse are his mane, tail, lower legs and the
tips of his ears.
GAIT - The different speeds a horse can travel. Every horse has 4 natural "gaits", the (1) walk (2) trot (3) canter (4) gallop.
BAY - a term used to describe a color of horse that ranges from light reddish or tan shades to dark brown and
mahongany/auburn shades. Bay horses always have black points (legs, muzzle, mane and tail, and tips of ears).
Trinity Horse Refuge 2025 Site created and maintained by Computer Systems Technology
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